Join Brezelkönig

Join Brezelkönig

We invite all interested entrepreneurs – and those who want to become one – to spread our successful concept around the world.

We are offering you the opportunity to join a strong franchisor that is already established in the market. You will benefit from our proven business concept, our continuous advice, access to our close network and our standardized business processes.

What do you get?

Proven concept Highly successful franchise model
Always fresh We bake the whole day
Profitable Top of class productivity per m2
Premium Core products from our own production sites
Professional Support from a strong and experienced organisation
Simple OPS Low number of SKU‘s, simple recipes
Small space Only small space required, 20m2
Sustainability Little packaging material, low food waste
Unique Clear USP: single product shop specialist, sharp concept
Fast Transaction time below 40 seconds
Efficient Staff efficient
Independent Stand-alone kiosk
Manageable Easy operations, high rotation
Fast payback Low capex
Easy Easy to roll out
Mobile RMU (remote mobile unit)